At Marriott Support Services we welcome complaints, compliments and suggestions. We want to hear your feedback, so you can experience high quality services from us.
We want to know when you’re not happy about an experience you’ve had. A complaint can be about a person, a service or something you have experienced.
These are things that you think we or a specific person may be doing well. By telling us what you like, we can aim to continue to do these things and provide positive feedback to others.
Your ideas on how we can improve things or do things better helps us to improve our services.
Should you require to contact the CEO or Board Chair, please phone or email STOPline on 1300 304 550 or email
Complete the Marriott Feedback Form
Speak to a member of staff, your service coordinator or manager.
Send an email to your service manager or email or
Request a hard copy or print and complete the Feedback Form or write us a letter and send to Marriott Support Services 15A/56 Keys Road Cheltenham, VIC, 3192
We aim to resolve concerns and complaints quickly and fairly. You can remain anonymous. If you provide your contact details, we can keep you informed of an investigation outcome as well as what we are doing to resolve the situation.
All information provided to us will remain confidential and will only be used by Marriott Staff for communicating with you about the issue raised. Your services will not be compromised if you express your concerns.
If you would like another person to speak on your behalf, you can use your family, friends, carers, or an advocacy service such as:
Please call us directly and we will arrange to use the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). Alternatively, you can call the TIS directly on 131 450 and ask them to put you through to Marriott Support Services (03) 9555-0777.
If you require more information or would like assistance with our Feedback and Complaint Management & Resolution process, please talk to a Marriott representative.
Download our Feedback Complaints Statement
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